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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Today On Express Your Self

Heavenly Father who is in heaven I prey, I prey that You will give us the wisdom that we are lacking, Dear Lord please do not let all the bees die from our miss use of spraying crops and the new chemicals that are made to benefit us. I prey for strength, I prey  for the poor, I prey for the weak, I prey for the hungry, but above all I prey for life of all things. In Jesus name amen.
                  It is written for the lack of knowledge my children shall Parrish.

U.S. honeybee numbers had been declining for about 60 years, but in 2007 it got eerie. Beekeepers were finding failed hives without a single adult bee, only immature bees “capped” in the comb, and food stores still in place, both honey and bee bread. Not just a few: close to 30 percent of the nation’s 2 million-plus managed honeybee colonies were failing, almost three times as many as usual, and a third of those were collapsing in mysterious circumstances. The phenomenon, known as Colony Collapse Disorder, was global, with countries from China to Spain experiencing similar deaths.
Our state’s colony failures have all been traced back to known causes, such as mites, nosema fungus, starvation, pesticide poisoning, and foulbrood. Although upsetting to the state economy and individual keepers, there are at least proven tools to deal with these maladies. In contrast, CCD-ravaged areas, like California, which had 50 and 60 percent collapse rates in some cases in 2008, have the heavy losses and no ready explanation—an expensive and dreadful mystery on their hands.


When you mess around with gene splicing, the result is mutated genes. Once the gene sequence has been disrupted, no one knows what the long-term effects will be and further mutation is totally plausible! Monsanto is playing GOD and no one has the right to do that! Because weeds are becoming resistant to glyphosphate (roundup), the crops are being sprayed with many times the amount of herbicide and people are ingesting these poisons! Read the labels! Most food isn’t even food anymore! POISONS!

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